Jobstream confusion about publication dates

There are removed_date and removed_true in jobs in the stream. When these are set the ad holds hardly any info - could this be explained?

Every ad has an ID
They are unique but the same ad can appear several times in Jobstream. When an ad is updated you will only know that it is an update if you have seen the ID before. We could say that what you see is actually just the latest version of the ad.

"removed_date": is always null until an ad is deleted. This can happen either by last_publication_date happening or that the employer chooses to manually delete the ad. This will set the removed_date and also set removed = true

(Having both of these values could be argued against and having only last_publication_date could make sense in a v2.0 of JobStream)

At the end of the JSON-respone from JobStream you can se objects like the one below. We call them tombstones as they represent an ad that is no more. They are a short version of the essential data in the ad that is relevant to the user when they get a “ad deleted” event from the stream

It contains:
id - to see what ad has been deleted
removed_date and removed that says a delete has happened and when
concept_id for a few different fields - so that users filtering for occupations or geographic will still see the delete happening

“id”: “25171023”,
“removed”: true,
“removed_date”: “2021-10-11T12:54:38”,
“occupation”: {
“concept_id”: “aoUt_f9s_rAk”
“occupation_group”: {
“concept_id”: “PxXc_16t_oZo”
“occupation_field”: {
“concept_id”: “RPTn_bxG_ExZ”
“municipality”: “4KBw_CPU_VQv”,
“region”: “CifL_Rzy_Mku”,
“country”: “i46j_HmG_v64”

There is also one more field that can add confusion
There is no logic in JobStream that involves this variable - it often matches last_publication_date but its not a rule.